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The Pasture Pod

Nov 27, 2019

Five months later than it should have been but Murray is worth waiting for.  A New Zealander of great enthusiasm, I got up with him the night before a Soil Association Scotland "Paddock Grazing for Profit" day. The Soil Association Scotland do a whole range of days on lots of topics (see here)

Murray was a key person...

May 11, 2019

Born and raised on the right side of the Fen and far enough away from the smell of cabbages in Lincolnshire, Liz Genever grew up to be a significant driver of knowledge transfer in England. 

A force of nature within AHDB Beef & Lamb for a number of years, she was key to helping get the Ram Compare and 

Mar 5, 2019

Recorded over two sittings, Michael talks for a long time about how excited he is about grass.  He tends not to let me talk, which is obviously beneficial.  3+ hours sounds a long time but Michael is an interesting and semi amusing person :0

I referred to Michael as the Grandfather of Rotational Grazing in Scotland in...

Jan 21, 2019

A break from the norm.  I interview a number of people all in one - shorter - podcast. Recorded in the Summer of 2018 with background noise loud enough to be irritating, this was the Livestock in Low Input Systems (LILIS) conference. I went around and, like a man desperate for friends, tried to make conversation with...